Pool Industry Trends: Abalone Shell

In the last 10 years, exposed aggregate pool finishes have replaced traditional white or colored plaster, commonly known as marcite as the number one finish for swimming pools. Today, popular aggregates such as quartz, pebble, and polished marble have become the norm. Durability, longevity, and resistance to chemical abuse are cited as reasons for the change. Homeowners are looking for beauty, and applicators are looking for workability. A finish needs to have both, and at CL Industries we strive to make products with both the applicator and homeowner in mind.

Abalone Shell

Lately we have seen a rise in specialty accents being combined with the more popular aggregates to create an even more dynamic finish. One of the accents gaining steam is abalone shell. Abalone shells add reflective brilliance to our pool finishes. When applied properly they shimmer and sparkle in the sunlight. Proper application is key to getting the longest life out of this incredible accent. Improper chemical management and bad application techniques can reduce the life of both the finish and the luster of the abalone.

Abalone shell is made up of microscopic calcium carbonate. Some applicators add the shell in the mixing process, and that can lead to weak spots and scaling in the finish. Also there is no real need for the abalone to be in the finish below 18 inches. The deeper the water of the pool the less visible the shimmer of the abalone becomes. The abalone really comes to life on steps, sun benches, and walls above 18 inches of water depth.

Applicator broadcasting abalone shell
Abalone shell in wet finish

The way to get the longest life out of the abalone shell is for the applicator to broadcast the shell over wet plaster prior to exposure. If the abalone shell is added to the mixer, less of the shell is likely to make it to the surface as well as possibly causing scaling problems in the future.

Abalone shell can really enhance the look of your exposed aggregate pool finish. We always recommend to use a licensed authorized applicator to get the longevity you deserve out of any finish.